Are you having trouble committing to your fitness goals? Do you feel like you’re starting over every time you set a goal? You’re not alone. A lot of people find it challenging to [...]
There are lots of reasons why you might want to get healthy sleep. Maybe you’re feeling tired all the time and don’t have as much energy as you used to. Or maybe you’re having [...]
There’s no doubt that wearable technologies have taken the world by storm. These devices, which can include anything from smartwatches to heart rate monitors, have become an important part [...]
Cycling is a great sport that engages people of all ages. There are many categories in which cyclists can compete, and it can be difficult to decide which one is best for you. In this blog post, [...]
As a cyclist, you are likely familiar with the importance of rest and recovery. But what about active recovery? What is it, and why do cyclists need it? In this post, we’ll answer those [...]
An Essential Mindset for Athletic Success: a Neutral Mindset I want to start with three stories about a few fellow cyclists. First, there was a race in Tucker County, West Virginia, called the [...]
Five habits that will help you become a better endurance athlete This article will teach you habits that can help you reach your peak performance. Endurance athletes need to maintain a balanced [...]
Intermittent Fasting Be honest. Have you given some thought to trying Intermittent Fasting (IF) in hopes of becoming leaner, stronger, and faster? Caveat emptor. While mice may find IF reduces [...]
When it comes to body composition, people use many different phrases. Many of these terms are misunderstood and used incorrectly. A client once said his BMI was 22% and he wanted to get it down [...]
After the first day at the track, you will quickly learn that there is a whole new cycling vernacular. Are you running a 94″ gear, do you warm up with an 88”? Those numbers are terms [...]