Is there in general guidelines on how to execute KyleCoaching Training Plans?


We are part-time athletes with full-time commitments to our jobs, families, and friends. Life happens. At KyleCoaching, we recognize that most of us will not receive a phone call from Sky Racing to join their Giro d’Italia team and training must sometimes take the second seat to other things (unless your name is Joe D. from Marshall, VA!!). Our thoughts on work/life/training balance:

  • If you miss a workout, do not stack, do not do two-a-days. Just let it go and move on to the next day.
  • If you are time crunched on one day with more time the following day, switch the longer workout to the day with more time.
  • If you are overly tired, it is okay to add a rest week.
  • If you are feeling frisky, it is okay to push a rest week back one week.
  • Certain workouts, labeled “breakthrough” (BT) workouts or “Key” workouts, are crucial to the success of this training plan. You cannot skip these workouts. If you have to move it to a different day, do it.

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